FACT SHEET: President Biden Is Taking Action to Lower Costs for Families and Fight Corporate Rip-Offs

President Biden is fighting to lower costs for American consumers—and he is taking action to address corporate price gouging. Congressional Republicans have no plan to lower costs for Americans and have instead proposed giveaways to the wealthy, big corporations, and Big Pharma that will increase the cost of prescription drugs, utility bills, health insurance premiums, and student loan payments for millions.

American families went through a lot as prices surged due to supply chain disruptions during the pandemic and Putin’s energy and food price shock. The Administration took action to get supply chains back to normal and inflation has declined by two-thirds from its peak. Wage growth since pre-pandemic has outpaced inflation, and prices have fallen over the past year for key household purchases like gas, milk, eggs, toys, appliances, car rentals, and airfares.

But some companies are keeping prices high even though input costs are falling and supply chains are back to normal. President Biden is calling on corporations to pass along savings to consumers by bringing prices down. He is cracking down on corporate rip-offs, including junk fees, price gouging and shrinking packages to hide price increases—“shrinkflation.” The Administration has taken on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs and cap insulin at $35 a month, Big Banks to bring down overdraft fees from $35 to as low as $3, and major airlines to eliminate family seating fees.

Lowering Costs for Working Families

President Biden is taking on corporate price gouging by banning hidden junk fees and calling on corporations to pass the savings from their reduced costs onto consumers. Instead of supporting efforts to lower costs for consumers, Republicans are defending junk fees and seeking to eliminate and defund federal consumer watchdogs and the antitrust enforcement agencies.

The Biden-Harris Administration is protecting consumers by:

Reducing the Cost of College and Eliminating Student Debt

As Congressional Republicans oppose student debt relief, President Biden is working to fix the student loan system and make sure higher education is a pathway to the middle class, and not a barrier to opportunity, by: