Candidate Filing FAQ

You must be a registered voter and possess the qualifications specified by law. Most offices require the candidate to be registered within the district. Exceptions are Superior Court and federal office.

If a candidate must be selected by voters from a geographic subdivision of a jurisdiction in the primary, the candidate must be properly registered to vote within that subdivision (RCW 29A.24.075).

Contact the jurisdiction of the office to learn if there are additional qualifications.

Where can I file for office? Who is my Filing Officer?

The Secretary of State accepts candidate filings for all federal, statewide executive, legislative, court of appeals, and superior court positions.

To file as a write-in candidate for state office, contact us for instructions, fees, and to arrange curbside service. Please call (360) 902-4180 for assistance, M - F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Your county elections office accepts filings for all other offices. Contact your county elections office for directions and hours of operation.

For a list of State offices: Offices Open for Election

How and where can I file for office?

Candidate filing week - May 6-10, 2024

1. Online – fast and easy!

Online is available only between May 6 at 8 a.m. and ends May 10 at 5 p.m. sharp. Must be submitted by 5 p.m.

Pay your filing fee online with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

2. In person

If you file with the Secretary of State, file here:

Washington Secretary of State's Office
Legislative Building
416 Sid Snyder Ave SW
Olympia, WA 98501

Monday, May 6, 8 a.m. through Friday, May 10, 5 p.m.

If you file with your county auditor’s office, you can find the address here:

3. By mail (The filing office cannot accept prior to 10 business days before the start of filing week and must be in office by close of business of the last day of filing.)

If you file with the Secretary of State, mail your declaration and filing fee to:

Candidate Filing
Office of the Secretary of State Election Division
P.O. Box 40229
Olympia, WA 98504-0229

If you file with your county auditor’s office, you can find the mailing address here:

When can I file for office?

Candidates may submit by mail

In-person filing begins

Online filing begins

Online filing ends

All candidate filing ends

Last day to withdraw from ballot

How much does it cost to file for office?

Filing fees are 1% of the office annual salary.

Salaries for members of the legislature, elected officials of the executive branch of state government, and judges of the state's supreme court, court of appeals, superior courts, and district courts shall be fixed by an independent commission [Washington Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials] created and directed by law to that purpose (Washington Constitution, Article XXVIII).

Filing fees for offices filed with your County Auditor are available from your county elections office.

Filing fees are nonrefundable (RCW 29A.24.131).

What are the accepted forms of payment?

Online filing for state offices requires a Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

If you file in person or by mail with the Office of the Secretary of State, pay via:

For all other offices contact your county elections office to determine payment methods available.

Filing fee petitions-

Candidates without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee may submit a filing fee petition in lieu of filing fee. Each whole dollar of the filing fee requires one signature.

We recommend candidates bring petitions into the appropriate Filing Officer as soon as possible as it will take time to check all the signatures. The filing is not valid until the petition is checked and approved.

Only complete petitions are acceptable. You may not pay partial cash to make up the difference.

For more information about filing fee petitions, please review the State Candidates Guide.

How is the order of candidates determined?

A random lot draw conducted after candidate filing ends, at 5 p.m. on May 10, sets the order which applies to all candidates for each race. Each filing officer conducts their own lot draw to determine their ballot orders.

How can I withdraw my candidacy?

If you decide you do not want your name on the ballot, your signed withdrawal form must be received by the office where you filed by the end of business on Monday, May 13.

Candidate withdrawal forms are available at Candidate Filing Forms

Filing fees are nonrefundable, even if you filed for the wrong office (RCW 29A.24.131).

How do I submit my Voters' Pamphlet statement and photo?

We recommend you submit your Voters' Pamphlet information with your declaration and filing fee. All submissions are done online.

If you file online, you will be directed to submit your statement and photo after you've completed your office filing.

If you file in person or by mail, you will receive an email with a link included to allow you access to the online submission tool.

The deadline to submit for the Voters' Pamphlet is 5 p.m. on May 21.

Candidates for state or local office should refer to the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission for reporting requirements. Forms and information are available at

Candidates for U.S. Senate or U.S. House of Representatives must report campaign finance information to the Federal Election Commission at

Your campaign finance information is public information. A link to your campaign finance information will appear on your page in the online voters' guide.

Can I post campaign signs?

Please contact the respective agency or department about sign restrictions, permits, and deposits.

A Primary election depends on the type of office and how many candidates file.

Yes, but the last name must be the same as the last name on the voter registration record. A ballot name can include a nickname, however, the last name must still match the last name on the voter registration record. If you recently changed your name and it's not showing in the online filing module, please wait a day and allow time for the change to process.

I moved recently. Do I need to update my registration before I file for office?

You must update your voter registration before filing for office. At the time of filing, you must be a registered voter in the district and have the qualifications specified by law.

  1. Go to to update your registration.
  2. You may need to contact your county elections department where they will process your update.
  3. After the update is processed, you may complete your filing declaration.

That’s normal. A candidate’s name won’t display until the filing is examined with human eyes and approved by the Candidate Support team. Please give administrators time to process and refresh later. If you have concerns, contact your Filing Officer.

Candidates without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee may submit a filing fee petition in lieu of filing fee. Each whole dollar of the filing fee requires one signature.

We recommend candidates bring petitions into the appropriate Filing Officer as soon as possible as it will take time to check all the signatures. The filing is not valid until the petition is checked and approved.

Only complete petitions are acceptable. You may not pay partial cash to make up the difference.

For more information about filing fee petitions, please review the State Candidates Guide.

I've already filed. How do I change the office or position on my declaration of candidacy?

The only way to change your office or position is to file again. A candidate must withdraw before the close of filing week and submit a new declaration of candidacy. Filing fees are non-refundable.

How do I submit a write-in declaration?

Fill out a form and submit it to your filing officer by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

For more information visit Write-in Candidacy info page.

Additional Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)