City of Gold Coast Planning and Development Hub

Gold Coast city skyline

Welcome to the City of Gold Coast Planning and Development Hub - an online communication and engagement tool created to provide a secure location to give you access to information on matters relating to planning, building and development, such as:

To stay up to date on planning and development matters, sign up to our Planning and Development alerts.

City Plan Version 11

Minor Amendment 10 changes the zoning of three (3) properties following acquisition of land under the Voluntary Home Buy Back Program (VHBB) for the purpose of disaster recovery or disaster resilience and makes consequential changes to mapping layers to ensure consistency throughout the City Plan.

The Local Government Infrastructure Plan Administrative Amendment rectifies a drafting error in existing and projected residential dwellings in Schedule 3.

City Plan Version 11, as well as superseded and historic versions of City Plan, are available via ePlan -

City Plan Version 10 display anomalies

The City recently became aware of transcription anomalies in the online City Plan Version 10 which have now been rectified. These anomalies occurred in the online version only and were as a result of content migration issues and were not present in the endorsed master documents or in the Code Templates.

The majority of these anomalies were grammatical or typographical and have not impacted the implementation or interpretation of the provision.

A minor anomaly in both Table 9.4.5-6 Stormwater Quality Deemed to Comply Solutions and Table 9.4.5-8 Maintenance Access requirements of the Healthy Waters Code have been resolved to identify the treatment train and (bioretention) maintenance access outcomes approved by the Ministers Notice of Decision and subsequently adopted and commenced by Council.

For further information please contact the City Plan Hotline on 1300 151 267 or

Amended Forms under the Planning Act 2016

We will continue to accept development applications using the previous version of Form 1 (version 1.3 effective 22 September 2020) until the close of business on Friday 22 December 2023. After this date, applicants are advised to ensure they use the most up-to-date form versions (version 1.4 effective 15 December 2023) before submitting a development application.

For the latest forms, please visit the Queensland Government website.

Details for adjoining landowners

From 15 January 2024, we will no longer provide details for adjoining landowners for development applications. For quality and assurance purposes, we will be directing consultants to contact the Titles Queensland office to acquire this information. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, it's recommended to reach out to us on (07) 55 82 8866 or the Titles Queensland office for more detailed information on how this process will work.

Get ready for the new Amenity and Aesthetics declaration

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We have an updated Amenity and Aesthetics declaration that will commence on 1 February 2024. If you design, certify, or build class 1 and 10 buildings and structures, now is the time to familiarise yourself with the new declaration. The new declaration updates the previous declaration with some new definitions, updated references and clarified wording. There is also a new item for houses with second kitchens. >> READ MORE

Development in waterway building setback guideline

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We have a unique waterway environment supporting a natural non-urbanised appearance that’s part of the Gold Coast’s iconic image. Proposed development must be balanced with protecting our waterways, an important role we undertake. This guideline is intended for industry professionals as practical information on applying the various requirements applying to development in the waterway building setback >> READ MORE

Changes to the Express DA process and online documents

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New organisational structure

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Transfers to other departments

The following functions from the former Planning and Environment directorate have been transferred to other departments:

Importantly, our commitment to providing a seamless service for our industry partners remains a high priority for the City.

For more information about our Executive Leadership Team and the new departments, visit

Download the Gold Coast Investment Prospectus

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The Gold Coast has matured and is on the cusp of a new era of growth. Invest Gold Coast are proud to the Gold Coast Investment Prospectus. Download your free copy to access in-depth economic trends, insights into high growth industry sectors and locations, and investment opportunities. >> Download the Gold Coast Investment Prospectus

Infrastructure charges update

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On 14 September 2023, the Council of the City of Gold Coast adopted the Council of the City of Gold Coast Charges Resolution (No. 1) of 2023 (“Charges Resolution”). The Charges Resolution commenced on 28 September 2023 and replaced the Council of the City of Gold Coast Charges Resolution (No. 1) of 2022. The Charges Resolution sets the adopted charges for providing trunk infrastructure for development within the City’s local government area. The Charges Resolution includes changes to align with the recent amendment to the Local Government Infrastructure Plan as well as administrative changes (including a new format to improve readability). A copy of the resolution is available for viewing on the City's website. For more information, including a copy of the Charges Resolution, please visit the City's website at You can also email the City’s Strategic Infrastructure team at

Approval of proprietary stormwater treatment devices

If certification is not able to be achieved for the nominated device within a timeframe suitable for applicants, an alternate and currently approved device is required to replace it. To facilitate this, a change application may be required. Applicants are encouraged to contact City officers to discuss options.

For development applications lodged on or after 1 June 2023 the City requires that developments utilise Stormwater Australia SQIDEP-certified proprietary stormwater treatment devices.