Trying to save money on college applications? Good news! There are actually quite a few colleges that allow you to apply for free. In this article, I'll provide some general information about application fees along with a comprehensive list of all the schools that offer free applications.
Most colleges charge application fees in the $50-60 range, but they can sometimes be as high as $90 (looking at you, Stanford). Many top schools charge application fees of $75 or more.
To put this in context, suppose you are applying to five different schools. If three have $50 application fees and two have $75 application fees, you'll be spending $300 on applications alone. (And that doesn't include the cost of any ACT or SAT scores you might send as well.) That's not small change for most people, so application fees are something you might take into account in your college search process.
Fortunately, many schools, even ones that have very high application fees, offer waivers to students with financial need. In order to be eligible for a fee waiver, you will need to meet at least one of the following criteria:
You can request a fee waiver form here. Once you fill out the form, your guidance counselor has to sign it, and then you should mail it to the admissions office of the college you have selected. Alternatively, if you want to avoid paying hundreds of dollars in application fees or going through the process of obtaining a fee waiver, you should consider applying to some of the schools with free applications that are listed in this article.
If your dream school has a $75 application fee and you're considering not applying because of the cost, you need to consider the costs versus the long term benefits. Compared to the total cost of attending college, that fee is a drop in the bucket. Over the course of four years, if you plan on attending a private college, you'll end up paying close to $200,000 on average in total cost. Even for public schools the price tag will be close to $100,000. The fee is a very small part of the overall expenses that come along with attending college.
Don't sacrifice the opportunity to attend a school that's a perfect fit for you because of an application fee. You'll most likely end up regretting your decision later. Similarly, you should try not to choose schools that don't fit what you're looking for just because they have lower application fees. If you check out some of the no fee schools that I've listed and find that you really like them, then it's a win-win, but don't let it influence you too much if there are other fee-charging schools that you think you will really love!
Here is our complete and updated list of colleges that don't require an application fee. (Note that some schools may require a fee for paper applications.)